
Forms, Correspondence & Resources

School Safety Information (Traffic, Transportation, Online, etc)

Traffic safety and how you can help keep our neighborhoods safe. 

School Active Transportation (SAT) Program

Georges Vanier Catholic School is part of the School Active Transportation (SAT) program, which helps reduce traffic congestion, address traffic safety issues, and encourage more students to walk and wheel to school. The SAT booth will be visiting our school during morning drop-off on September 16th and during afternoon pick-up on September 27th. Please stop by to check out the display!

We encourage you to walk to school when you can this school year. Of course, walking to school is great for your health, reduces traffic in front of our school, and improves our air quality, but did you know that it also improves safety and builds a sense of community? Check out this fun new video in English or French to learn more about the many benefits of active transportation.

If you have to drive to school, please consider parking or dropping your child off a block or two away from the school and walking the rest of the way. Walk-a-Block maps are a helpful tool for finding locations to park in 5- and 10-minute walk zones. 

We encourage you to use the new app, called Hop!, to celebrate walking to school. Hop! allows students to log walks and discover the positive impact walking has on the environment. Families can log trips to and from school as well as walks in their community. How far do you think your family would travel walking to and from school this year? Download Hop! at to find out!

Online Safety

Catholic School Council

The School Council is comprised of the school Principal, and members representing:

Meetings are held at 6:30 pm and will be held virtually through Zoom until further notice.

All parents/guardians are welcome to attend and join - we value your input. 

Georges Vanier School Council Constitution/By-Laws

Follow us on Facebook

School Council hosts a GV Facebook page to keep parents up to date on programs, events and news happening at the school.  Stay informed, join today!

2024- 2025 School Council Members:

Co - Chair: Renee van der Merwe

Secretary: Ngozi Iloabuchi 

Treasurer: Robert Gray 

Parish Liaison: Alicia Cook

CSPA Rep: Julie Gachuche

Community Representative(s): 

Maggie Bryson

Sarah Plue

Adetola Oludayo-Akanni

Behnaz Behmanesh

Principal:  Aden Semenchuk

Teacher Rep: Jennifer DesRochers

School Council members provide input and advice to the Principal on topics such as:

The School Council needs your voice, your input, your contribution to make the school better for all students, including yours!  

Board-wide Parent Organizations

Catholic School Parents’ Association (CSPA) 

The Ottawa Catholic School Parents’ Association (CSPA) is a volunteer group representing all OCSB parents. They are a resource for school councils and the parent community for information on local and provincial education issues. Through their website, social media, and email newsletters, they provide updates on education in Ottawa & Ontario, as well as tips, resources and information to help parents support their children in school. All parents are welcome and encouraged to join their e-mail list, follow them on social media @OttawaCSPA, and register to attend their meetings or events via EventBrite.

OCSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) 

The OCSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is a provincially mandated committee made up of parents, a trustee, the Director of Education, an elementary and high school principal, and other school board staff as required. The purpose of PIC is to support, encourage, and enhance parent engagement at the school board level to improve student achievement and well-being. PIC is a subcommittee of CSPA, and parent members are appointed by CSPA.  

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

The OCSB’s Special Education and Advisory Committee (SEAC) makes recommendations to the Board in respect of any matter affecting the establishment, development, and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils.